The R Roundup: Uniswap V3 Deployed On Polygon — Issue #18

The R Roundup
4 min readDec 26, 2021
Polygon X Uniswap

One of the leading DEX’s for the ethereum network Uniswap, has recently announced the technical partnership with polygon which sees Uniswap v3 being deployed on polygon.

On many occasions we have seen how unaffordable gas fees can be on the ethereum network which has kept many people away from using decentralised exchanges like Uniswap however with polygon offering low gas fees and fast transactions, we could see this no longer be the reality for DEX’s.

Official Uniswap Announcement

Bored Ape Yacht Club Flips “Cryptopunk” Floor Price 🖼🐒

What you could call a historical moment in NFT history unveiled this week as the iconic Cryptopunk collection recently got flipped by the new kid on the block Bored Ape Yacht Club.

As the famous apes take over the world, it was no surprise with the recent developments which BAYC has made that they have flipped Cryptopunks. This highlights the importance of community development within NFTs.

As reported by cointelegraph “ The price of the cheapest Bored Ape NFT for sale is now 53.9 Ether (ETH), or $215,067, while the minimum asking price for a CryptoPunk is 52.69 ETH, which is currently worth $210,239, according to OpenSea”


RussianDeFi Meets RussianPunkz 🇷🇺 🖼


RussianPunkz is an NFT project built on the Solana chain and it is the first Russian centred NFT project across all chains.

RussianPunkz sets out to reach the masses by the distribution of fun creative NFT’s which can aid the interconnectivity of the world.

As we have seen over the past year, NFT’s have continued unlocking they key to an ever integrated society and the need importance of bringing a community together has grown.

As the Russian Roundup birthed it’s creative spout around Russia, it is only fitting to see an NFT project which aims to highlight the aspects of culture which are ever so important.


$USDT Supply Hits Yearly All-Time-High On Exchange🐻

As the year comes to an end, an interesting metric which we came across was the $USDT supply hitting a yearly all-time-high on exchanges which could be an indication that people are either securing profits or more people sidelined and exposed to stablecoins.

31% High USDT supply

Once again, on-chain metrics should always be taken with a pinch of salt as all analysis should however it is interesting to consider as it could be a slight indication of the sentiment in the markets.

Incase You Missed It: Nakamoto Games X RussianRoundup 🕹

For those who might have missed it, we are reminding all readers to check out our “Step into the metaverse with Nakamoto Games”.

A step into the metaverse with Nakamoto Games

As a reminder this is not a trading signal, it is an opinion and each trader/investor should know and understand the risks attached with trading. At no point should this be regarded as financial advice.

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The R Roundup is a news platform inspired to deliver unbiased news and authentic education. From #DeFi to #NFTs; The R Roundup is built for the readers.